Neighbors in Action (NIA) offers discounted rates to the Herndon Community Center valid for open gym, open swim, fitness room, and drop-in fitness classes, based on eligibility.
You can swim, play basketball or racquetball, take a Zumba class, use the fitness room and more! For a listing of activities, plus age rules, hours and details, view our quarterly brochure.

STEP 1) To receive NIA pricing, come to the Herndon Community Center, 814 Ferndale Avenue and tell the front desk staff that you are seeking NIA pricing and your address.
STEP 2) What you need to show
STEP 3) Pay fee
STEP 4) Enjoy and have fun!

Those living within the purple shaded areas on this map qualify by proof of address. Acceptable proofs of address, and what can be used by non-residents in the Herndon High School pyramid may be found here

The discounted rates are as follows:

Daily Rate

Qualified Resident

Qualified non-Resident HHS pyramid discount




Youth, Student



Family (2 Adults/3 Youth max)






Individual 10 Visit Pass1

Qualified Resident

Qualified non-Resident HHS pyramid discount




Youth, Senior, Student



25 Visit Pass2

Qualified Resident

Qualified non-Resident HHS pyramid discount




Youth, Student






Individual 30-day pass3

Qualified Resident

Qualified non-Resident HHS pyramid discount




Youth, Senior, Student



Adult 2-person4



Senior 2 person4



Adult/Senior 2 person4



Dependent Youth5






1expires 1 year after purchase

2expires 2 years after purchase

3expires 30 consecutive days after purchase

4Both individuals in the 2-person pass must reside in the same household

5Dependent pass must be purchased with adult pass