During the summer and fall months, the town charges a peak rate for water usage. This rate can actually save you money.
What is water peak or peak usage?
Peak usage refers to the consumption of water in excess of the average consumption of the preceding two winter quarter billing periods (winter quarterly average). Peak usage is currently billed at the rate of $6.94/1 thousand gallons. *All customers will see this line on their bills during peak usage billing months, however, unless your usage during the peak billing months exceeds that of your winter quarterly average, your charges calculation will remain unchanged*.
How does this actually save me money?
If you use more water during the warmer months of the year (watering lawns, washing cars, etc.), you will save $0.82/1 thousand gallons on sewer usage for fiscal year 2022 and $1.52/1 thousand gallons for fiscal year 2023. This is because during non-peak billing months the consumption gallons for water and sewer are charged equally, but sewer usage charges are capped during peak billing months. Example: a homeowner who uses 20 thousand gallons of water in a month with normal rates is also billed for 20 thousand gallons of sewer usage. A homeowner who uses 30 thousand gallons of water in a peak month is charged the peak rate on any amount above his/her average (in this case, 10 thousand gallons) but is NOT charged for sewer usage on amounts above the cap/average. The net result is savings for the homeowner.
What are the peak usage billing periods (months)?
Peak billing months are June, July, August, September, October and November.
Questions? Please contact us at 703-435-6814 or utilities@herndon-va.gov.